Like any other method of hair removal, hair has some side effects you're looking for. If you shave in the wrong direction, and if you have dull razor blades, which are also situations that give rise to adverse circumstances. Instead of freshness and cleanliness, you may find yourself with a plaster bandage directly in the face or elsewhere on the body. This is a great site and can be very annoying for the page.
The most common side effects of shavingCuts and scratches. This happens when you neglect shaving when the skin is very dry, and if you have a dull blade. There are times when it can not be avoided, but you can avoid certain to occur every time you shave. Your skin should be moist when you shave, and you should use shaving cream. You should also avoid moisture from the skin immediately after shaving, dry skin.
The irritation is a common side effect of shaving. This may occur because thea dull blade, and if you can not correct his technique. This is a mild rash disappears as a gift from two to four days, and little by little. It can be very irritating and should be reddish in appearance. Sometimes the irritation, even shaving call will be accompanied by razor strokes. E 'often those who have sensitive skin occur and, if not managed properly, leading to skin infections. To avoid these problems, use a knife or a sharp knife,Moisturize skin and beard properly.
Side effects of shaving can be avoided at all costs, and if the above suggestions, you can. Your skin will end without problems, without undesirable side effects.
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