scalp or scalp acne are not always the same garden variety leather buttons. The scalp is, of course, the skin, but the buttons on the scalp usually with hair follicles, which lights. The disease can vary in nature and is available in different scientific names, but basically, do everything possible with small pustules that itch usually noticed by combing or brushing hair. These grains are infected very quickly and becomes an importantProblem.
The cause of the buttons on the scalp is not clear. In some cases, micro-organisms such as yeast, mites and staphylococcus bacteria often thrive in the case of the dreaded guest scalp can only explain the cause of pimples on the scalp. In these cases, treatment with topical antibiotics such as clindamycin solutions tetracycline or erythromycin or oral is required. In severe infestations possibly steroids may be needed. In mild cases, simple but inexorablehygiene of the scalp can solve the problem.
mild forms of scalp buttons are a nuisance, but nothing to fear. The affected area can satisfy the request of salicylic acid solution or other sales of prepared cereals. There is one drawback: the extreme dehydration and Stripping of substances such as benzoyl peroxide effects of very harmful and lasting effect on real hair can have. At least the money can be an unpleasantat worst, may lose their hair. For this reason, application solutions and limited control of processing of cereals in the affected areas.
scalp hygiene routine is much better if the buttons on the scalp. good hypoallergenic shampoo calibrated for oily skin will benefit in any case, because the fat is limited in an accident. Local applications of cereals and control will be more effective to thoroughly after shampooing.
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