Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The cause itchy scalp


There are many products, prescription and natural that irritate the scalp can help alleviate the symptoms of itching. But first it is important to know and understand the many causes of itching of the scalp. For some, the procedure in the problem, developed for detergents and other caustic chemicals. Understanding the causes of the disease is the only way to try to stop any recurrence. Here are some of the most common causes of problemsscalp irritation.

Parasites, dandruff, hair follicles, inflammation and contact dermatitis are common causes of scalp problems. Piojos, dig, only to see with the naked eye, and their eggs in movies Extreme itching is usually caused by a grease mushroom, and overproduction. inflammation of the hair follicle is indicated if there is enough good bacteria to bad is not worth it, and contact dermatitis occurs when the scalp to contactwith something hard or aggressive.

winter climate, where low humidity causes dry skin cracks, the scalp is a major cause of itching. The lack of fluid causes the nerves to respond to the contraction, causes dry, scaly skin of the scalp. aggressive chemicals in hair care and hair products shampoo strip essential oils in the hair follicles, causing a severe drought.

Additives and preservatives in foods are known to cause severe skin reactions and stress maylead to the same skin and hair follicles to slow down or speed up production of oil. Pregnancy can cause irritation of the scalp and excess sebum, which "contributes to a healthy glow.

Aware of the whole head is in contact with skin, can help eliminate the causes through the itching of the scalp. The treatment is futile and a waste of time if the cause of the disease is unknown. A newspaper can determine the source of the problem is and how to helpGo to setting on it. Remember, the key to good health is not relief of symptoms, how to stop the resumption of symptoms.


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