Saturday, September 3, 2011

Like head lice, visit How and Where to Find


My sister had lice in view, the following steps to help get rid, not re-infected **** NOTE **** Rid and Nix did not get rid of lice! ! ! My suggestions .... 1 - I recommend the purchase of a separate fine-toothed comb louse metal (not body lice care kit is included) 2 Use the kit with lice lice comb in the first place (not the good metal comb set aside) to search for bugs as many lice shampoos BE4 hair (which can also be closedTake it with your fingers and you're killing and put down the toilet or drain) the maximum using the shampoo, the shampoo you use more to kill those who can see with your eyes just three. Wash your hair and wrap your head in Saran Wrap in a hurry is the bugs crawling or jumping out the hair and also Suffacate to enter the equipment and dies, then you have to shampoo as directed Keep 4. After washing your hair, then use a fine tooth metal comb to get rid ofnits and live insects are still alive beds scenes of hot water to spray the room and the positions presented in a plastic bag for up to two weeks IMPORTANT sixth !!!!!!!!!! _____________________ Haunted by mistakes in the first-lice shampoos Letter Re continues to repeat a week later to kill lice nothing, live insects and kill all the insects that died for the first time and errors, recently a new batch of eggs , and being born in the hair clean and fresh


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